Tuesday 15 November 2011

2011 - year one

Tilly and Lee
AMP & Johnny [married]
AMP & Johnny 19
AMP & Johnny 174
Alex & Ben low res-201
Lisa and Phil  eshoot low res images-26
Lisa and Phil  eshoot low res images-31
Cara & Brandon low res-15
Cara & Brandon low res-44
Cara & Brandon low res-151
Cara & Brandon low res-150
Cara & Brandon low res-170
Vi & Tien engagement low res-18
Sofie & Jamie low res web-244
Sofie & Jamie low res web-241Sofie & Jamie low res web-239
Sofie & Jamie low res web-249
Deanne & Lee low res-60
Lisa & Andy engaged low res-37
Suong & Daniel day one low res-63
Suong & Daniel day one low res-111
Suong & Daniel day one low res-141
Lisa & Phil low res-326
Lisa & Phil low res-257

There are two things I've learnt this year; firstly that I love to shoot weddings, heck, I love to shoot love; secondly, never try to save money on a solicitor - more on this later.
Back to the subject of photographing weddings, back when my little camera and I started out, images of friends and family under my belt with an advert on gumtree I would never have imagined what has become, from photographing artists and musicians through to my first wedding I loved all of it. Trying to turn the every day into some form of art.
I was going to write a more formal structured post, a kind of Ellie Gillard photography awards, but I decided that it would be more sincere to try and capture the little fragments of the year that stand out; laughing in the pub with Lisa and Phil and chatting cats, the beautiful light in the allotment behind Suong & Daniel's house which gave me some of my favourite ever shots, posing with balloons and signs with AMP and Johnny which led to my first wedding being featured on RocknRoll bride, discovering Deptford with Sofie and Jamie, standing in fields of wild flowers on Cara & Brandon's big day, jumping in water fountains with Alex and Ben and finally the love between Deanne and Lee.
I cant say it's always been plain sailing - being technically a "weekend warrior" has meant long evenings editing, weekends shooting and busy days at my day job as a fashion buyer, as well as moving jobs at the tail end of the wedding season but the thing is that once you discover something you want to do, something you love you want to put in everything. If I'd had more time to Facebook, blog and tweet I've no doubt I would have been able to grow the business faster and get where I want to be sooner and I'll be putting all my energy into that over the winter. In terms of giving me a better work life balance, and more time to spend with Joss, my friends and the kitties I'm gong to limit the amount of bookings I take on next year to enable me to give each of my couples undivided attention. Soon I'll post a list of what dates I've got remaining.
The launch of my website was a game changer - I love the look and feel of it but I want to make tweaks, make some of the pages more exciting and interactive, put more of me into it and I promise, promise, promise to blog more often.
Finally, on the second subject - Joss and I are about to complete a major milestone and buy our first place so I speak from experience when I say a great solicitor is worth their weight in gold, get a poor one and you might as well be doing it yourself. I just can't wait to move in, and start making it mine. I've been dutifully updating my Pinterest home board and can't wait to put everything into place. We're currently living in box city, things piled up everywhere, books and CDs in hiding. Whoever said this is one of life's most stressful experiences was right, they said something about weddings too. Funny that.
See you on the other side.

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